Movies and Why I'm a Stickler

Hello again people! So far, the alarm is going fantastic! I was at the movies for a nice matinee, and as soon as I walked out, and turned my phone back on (Yeah... I actually do that), my alarm went off and I raced home to write this. So, here we

So yeah, I actually listen to the cringe-y movie commercials when they tell me to silence my phone. I used to just put it on vibrate, but sometimes if the group message is a little crazy that can lead to a lot of annoying vibrations from my pocket. Also, if I'm not using it anyway, I might as well just turn it off.

Here's my reasoning for this:

  1. I don't like noise in movie theaters unless it's coming from the actual movie
  2. I'd feel embarrassed if my phone were to go off during a movie
So there you go. I guess I'm just a polite person. The noise thing is also why I stopped going to midnight premieres. Which started at first because I worked in the early morning, so I couldn't stay up late to watch a movie. I would just go the next day at a matinee. Which is a thousand times better; in my opinion. There's less people, which means less noise, and it's cheaper. There's really no cons that I can think of.

I've done it so much now that I can't even stand going to movies if it's not a matinee. Especially Marvel movies. Holy cow can those viewers get on my nerves. There's always that group of people that get way too excited. The last superhero movie I saw the night it came out was Wonder Woman. I have a lot to say about that movie, but I can save that for another time because anyone that knows me knows my opinions on that DC disappointment.

ANYWAY, while I was there, there was this lady. Now this lady was my arch nemesis. Every time a character opened their mouth the room echoed with horrible cackling. She would bounce up and down in her seat (by the way this woman was at least 43), clap very loud, and talk at the top of her lungs. I swear, she was so excited at one point that she BROKE HER CHAIR. Literally, she was so giddy with whatever was happening that her chair broke underneath her and she fell to the ground. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I'm not a stickler. I love when other people enjoy themselves at movies. That's the whole point of going to see movies. To have fun. But, people like that are the worst. Nobody can like that person. You have to have some kind of restraint when you're out in public. I don't know. Maybe I'm being a shitty person. I didn't know her whole story, but I vowed to never go to another midnight premiere after that. I'd rather pay to watch the movie at home. What do you guys think? Let me know.

Talk to you tomorrow. Buh-bye now.


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