Writers are a Lovely Folk

Hello again, everyone! It's good to see you today, and I don't mean figuratively (You're new curtains look great from the front lawn). Only kidding, or am I?

Alright, enough of the bad jokes. Even I hated typing that, but it's staying in. I have all the power in the world to make sure that nobody sees that bad joke, but I am committed to its corniness. Oh no, maybe I am turning into my dad...

Anyway, I wanted to take some time to talk to all the other writers out there. I know, I know, I know that everyone is dying for my bad movie reviews, but not ten minutes before my alarm went off to start writing did I get a follow and message from a good friend of mine's wife who is also a writer. And after that people, I'm telling you, my phone was buzzing like a beehive. Her friend's that are writers began following me, and messaging me about my book. One of them added me to a list of writers on her twitter. Chrissey Harrison, thank you again, and the kind words.

It was really heartwarming to see other writers taking an interest in my book. I think that's the approval that all writers want more than other people. They're doing the same thing that you do, so it's almost like getting approval from yourself, in a way. It's really inspiring and makes me want to pull a writing bender and go non-stop for a weekend straight. It's a great feeling.

Now then, on to business. For the people out there that love to write, have a passion for it, and are afraid to do something with it because you don't know how? You want some advice: just do it. Just keep writing. There's no point in stopping because you don't know what to do with it. We have the internet now, you can find something.

There are countless journalism jobs, there are sites that pay for short stories, I've even seen some where you can write stories in tweet-form. There is something for every writing style. Personally, I use Submittable. This website gives you a list of sites that need writers. Mostly for stories, but they have lists for art, photography, poetry. And, the lists are sorted through deadline times. Also, there are contests you can enter to make a little money if you win. Some magazines ask for a little money before you enter a contest; usually because all the proceeds go to the overall cash prize; but there are a lot that you can enter for free.

The first short story I got published was from this site. I didn't get paid; exactly, I got Mardi gras memorabilia. Sounds silly, but the magazine is in New Orleans, and it's okay to not get paid sometimes because the more important thing is the portfolio of publications. That's what people look for. If you can build a good portfolio the cash will come. Trust me.

Just look online for what kind of writing works for you, and beware of traps. There are a lot of people out there that look to take advantage of young writers that want to make it big. The thing with getting big is you have to start small. It's not easy. Ask anyone. Be careful, read the fine print, and don't agree to anything that seems even a little bit risky.

Alright lovely people, I've got to get back to this Queer Eye season 2 binge. Nothing personal, I just can NOT stop watching this.

Have a great day and I will see you tomorrow, or tonight (lock your doors and windows).



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