My Religion Story

Hello again, everybody. I hope you're all doing fine. I certainly am doing just okay right now. Not bad, but not extraordinary. Just in the middle, calming peace in my life and I'm enjoying it.

So, that being said, I wasn't sure what to write about today. I have no real updates on anything I'm writing other than it's going at a nice and steady pace. I couldn't think of a topic, so I went to the internet for answers, but nothing really jumped out at me as exciting or interesting to talk about. Then, I remembered I was listening to my new favorite podcast that hosts two ladies that I used to work with at my old job. It's called But I Don't Know, and it's hilarious and thought-provoking. They're podcast is more or less like my blog. No real main topic really. It's more things that they want to talk about when they sit in front of the microphone. They've got about seven episodes right now I'm pretty sure, so go check them out. You won't regret it.

Anyway, now that the unpaid sponsorship is over, I was listening today and I remember hearing Ariane relating Hinduism and Buddhism to one of the topics she was explaining, and it hit me that I don't think I've talked about religion on this blog yet. Which I found strange because it's one of my favorite topics to talk about. Religions have always interested me; I studied it like crazy in college. There's just a HUGE plethora of intertwining stories and history in each one. So fascinating to read and learn about.

For me, if I had to choose a favorite religion (and this has nothing to do with my thoughts on a religion's followers, its churches, etc. This is just based on it's simplest teachings.) it would be Hinduism. Hinduism, broken down into its simplest form, simply explains that if you're a good person then you'll be reincarnated as something better in your next life. I am not a Hindu. I just like what they teach. It's easy. Be nice, work hard, and you'll become a tiger or something awesome. Personally, I do disagree with a few things. I don't think I'd appreciate being reincarnated as a cow. I don't find cows that interesting. They're delicious, but that's about it for me.

As for the religion I do follow ... I don't. I haven't even tried to follow one since I was probably thirteen or fourteen, and before that church-going was slim to none. I used to say that I was atheist, but I never broadcast it like a lot of people I knew. If someone asked if I was then I would say yes, and that would be the end of it unless they began asking questions. I never answered questions about why I was, I would let them answer for why they believed what they did first, and I would respond accordingly. Some people are very passionate about they beliefs, and I respect that. Religion is a very powerful and useful tool for millions of people. Which is great.

I don't feel like I need religion in my life to do what I want to do, or to succeed in my goals, but some people find it helps. I say, if it gets the job done, then no harm. For me, I began questioning my religion, which was Christian, when I discovered all the other religions that are out there. There were so many, and some were so different. The thing that got me was the thought that all of these religions across the world are 100% certain that they are right. If everyone is right, who's to say what's true and what's not. It didn't make sense to me. And, believe me, I tried to be a good christian. I went to youth groups, and church lock-ins. I once balled my eyes out to one of the youth group adults because I told him I had doubts about God and I thought I was going to hell. But nothing ever stuck because of that question. How can everyone know they're right? That's when I went into studying.

After a few classes, I decided to change from atheist to agnostic. I used to scoff at people who called themselves agnostic. Pfff... Just say you're atheist why are you on the fence about this? But, I realized that I have a lot of supernatural belief in my life. Aliens, strange creatures, and I've had a ghost friend that I call Frank who's been following me around since I was in the sixth grade. Don't worry, he's friendly, but sometimes he likes to mess with me a little. If I do start a podcast PLEASE SOMEBODY REMIND ME TO TELL STORIES OF FRANK. I have so many stories about the things he's done. He's a goof. Anyway, I discovered that since there were so many different religions (hell, there's even a religion about a flying spaghetti monster in space) out there that one of them might be right. And honestly, agnostic is just easier because there are times when you do a quick prayer before something. Even if you're not religious, you just take a moment for some inner reflection.

I used to always feel bad doing that little prayer before a race or something in high school because I was like, "You're an atheist, why are you praying right now? You totally believe in God you lying fool." That's not good thoughts to have with yourself. So, agnostic is a safe space where you can do and say whatever you want at any moment. you can say Oh my God without feeling bad, or say what you want to be reincarnated as. It's just easier, and you avoid the inner stigma and live a happy life. Because that's all religion teaches you to do (at least they should. Some people like to warp the rules a bit): Live a happy life. For you and the ones around you. Makes the world a little brighter.

Alright, I hope you all enjoyed this post. Let me know what you think. If you have any extra thoughts to add, and how religion has effected your life.

See you tomorrow everyone. Buh-bye.


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