Lizard People Rule the World
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They are among us! Blood-drinking, flesh-eating,
shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in
their cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race. They are our
leaders, our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and
Grammy-winning singers, and they're responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma
City bombings and the 9/11 attacks ... at least according to former BBC sports
reporter David Icke, who became the poster human for the theory in 1998 after publishing
his first book, The Biggest Secret, which contained interviews with two Brits
who claimed members of the royal family are nothing more than reptiles with
What is a Lizard Person?
It's exactly what it sounds like.
Lizard people are cold-blooded humanoid reptilians who have
the power to shape-shift into human form. According to David Icke,
these creatures have had their claws in humankind since ancient time, and world
leaders like Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, the Clintons, and Bob Hope are
all lizard people. Icke's 1998 book, The Biggest Secret, is considered an
important tome in lizard people theory.
How Does One Spot a Lizard Person?
There are many differing theories. If you look at the forums
on Icke's site, there are numerous posts either telling people how to spot
lizard people or asking how to pick a lizard person out from the crowd.
Bump, one of the top lizard person journalists in the field,
made a handy guide last year that culled lizard-person identifiers. Here's the
list of lizard person tells:
- Green eyes
- Good eyesight or hearing
- Having red hair
- A sense of not belonging to the human race
- Unexplained scars on the body
- Love of space
- Low blood pressure
A brief survey on Icke's forums also point out physical
features like having a smile where bottom teeth show, eyes that change size, or
eyes with abnormally-sized pupils as potential lizard-person tells.
But, there's also the theory that these physical attributes
mean nothing. "Ufochick," an avid contributor to the boards, explained
that what makes lizard people lizard people is something that you can't see.
What Do Lizard People Want?
According to reptilian theorists, this elite alien species
seeks world domination and power over every person on the planet. They are all
about control, using their influence to vastly lower the quality of life for
most people on the planet. This way, people have no energy, time, or motivation
to notice or expose even the existence of the reptilians, let alone try to
remove them from power.
Where Do They Come From?
Aside from people's paranoia, lizard people are thought to
primarily come from the constellation Draco, though there are some theories
that reptoids come from other systems like Sirius and Orion too. Basically,
they're aliens.
Draco, is of course, the constellation that is allegedly
shaped like a dragon or, if you go with its Latin name Draconem, it means
"huge serpent." It's the eighth largest constellation. Reptoids from
Draco are thought to be very tall and have retractable wings,
Believers say that lizard people have been visiting
Earth since ancient times and breeding with humans, which results in more
lizard people and more humans with the potential to be lizard people.
So, Who are Lizard People?
Alleged lizard people are almost always A-listers. And the
list of alleged lizard people includes Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Donald Rumsfeld (showing
that lizard people transcend party lines), Madonna, Katy Perry, Bill Clinton,
and Angelina Jolie among others.
And don't ask if you are a lizard person, because I don't know. Only you would have that information.
As crazy as this theory is, there are actual believers out there that are trying to spread the message. Believe me, it's true. And it is really crazy, but there's one thought that I have when I read a really out there theory, "But what if they're right?"
What if they? How nuts would that be?
These crazies will go from blabbering on the sidewalk to running the world as prophets. No matter how insane the idea sounds, just think about that. You might start believing the theory yourself.
See you tomorrow.
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