Extreme Exhaustion

Coffee... Who here loves coffee? I drink it almost everyday. I wake up early to get all of my work done as early as I can, so coffee really helps me wake up and keep working. Sometimes, it takes a couple cups to fuel up. There are even days, like today, that the coffee didn't do the job like it usually does. I didn't sleep too much last night, so that's one reason why. I also over-worked my body yesterday with my workout and writing all day, so that's another. My brain didn't get enough time to rest and recharge. It's been a hard day to get anything done, really, and I've still got a couple things on my to-do list to get done.I'll try and power through everything, but let me tell you guys, it's going to be rough.

Luckily, I was able to get everything super important done while I still had a small amount of brain power. I got ten pages of my screenplay; check, finished an anime; check, and I went for my run (even though it was more of a slow-jog mixed with a lot of exhausted walking). Oh yeah, I also finished my Japanese lessons, so I should be good to take a couple hours off for a nap, but I have a one-on-one conference call at 4 and I don't want to miss that.

It's just one of those days, I almost forgot about writing this, but I'm struggling through it now for YOU guys. Because I respect you all enough to do this everyday. I don't really have any topic to discuss, but I thought coffee would be something. Since I desperately need it right now.

I won't drink any though. I don't like drinking coffee in the afternoon. it doesn't seem like a good idea to drink it all day long. If I need an energy boost I'll just drink water to grease up the gears in my head. Water helps my body stay loose, and it keeps everything flowing properly. I don't need a boost, I need to just continue moving. Once I finish that conference call you better believe that I will collapse onto my bed for a well-needed power nap. Probably.

Napping isn't something I excel at. Even if I'm dead tired, I can't just lie in bed and do nothing while the day is going. I feel like I'm wasting time when I could be doing something else. It might be an early warning sign of a workaholic, but I'll deal with that when I deal with it. For now, it's useful. The only times I really nap is when my body almost literally shuts down and I pass out wherever I am. Bed, couch, chair; doesn't matter. All I know is that when that happens, my only fix is to try and get to sleep a little earlier. Luckily, I have a pretty good sleep schedule that I stick to, but some nights (like last night) you just can't get to sleep for some reason or another. It really screws with your whole day, but it's good to think of that as a test to see how much whatever you're doing matters to you. If you can force yourself to push forward no matter your exhaustion, then there's no excuse to not do it when you feel fine. Think about that.

Alright, I think that's it for today. I'll make sure to find a topic tomorrow, and hopefully I get some more shut-eye than I did today. I'll see you all tomorrow.



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