Fast-Food Addictions

Hi there people. Sorry about the super short post yesterday, but I was really enjoying not doing a single thing yesterday. But, now the week has begun and it's time to get back to work. yay...

Today, I want to talk about fast food. McDonald's, Taco Bell, Sonic; you know the names. What amazingly successful businesses, even though we all know how bad it is to eat there. So, why do we eat at these places? When all they give us is stomach aches, love handles, and clogged arteries? I have a couple ideas.

The first, I think seems pretty obvious: Cheap. The cheapest food is always the worst for us. which is why people buy it more than healthier options. Some people don't have the money to buy only organic vegetables and fruit. But, it's also just easier to spend less money when you can.

Second: Convenience. Walk in, order, walk out. It's a process that takes no more than ten minutes at the slowest fast food restaurant. For some reason people nowadays have this constant sense of urgency to get where they're going. Even if they're not going anywhere important. No one has time to wait for a table, wait to order, and then wait for the food to be cooked. We are a busy people, and we need food now! We know we should get the healthier stuff, but we don't have time (according to us).

Third: It Tastes Better. I think people know that making food is a science, but the people that design the food for fast-food chains aren't chefs; they're scientists. They know what kind of pheromones to spray on food to make it desirable to people. It may not be made of what it's portraying, but you can guarantee that those scientists have injected it with chemicals to make it taste like you want to. It's a giant science project. Chefs don't use chemicals to cook their dishes; they use the proper herbs and spices and sauces to make it taste good. That's the difference. Fast-food chains don't have chefs, they have scientists.

I don't want to seem like I'm bashing on fast-food or the people that like it. Well, I am, but I love fast-food too. I try to avoid it, but I think it may be addictive. I honestly believe that there are chemicals in the food that cause it to be habit-forming. That's messed up, and not cool. But, can't say it's not a good business strategy. I mean, we all know it's bad, when we eat it our stomach's hurt after, but then, the next day, we go out and get it again. The whole process repeats itself. It's not good for us, but we can't stop it.

I don't have the answer to get people off of fast-food, other than just not eating it. Fight the craving. Make your own food! it's easy. Just read the recipe on your phone. Food tastes way better when you cook it yourself. Trust me. I'll see you all tomorrow.



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