When Conspiracy Theories Are True...RFID Microchips

Do you remember when RFID Microchip implants were considered conspiracy theory? Do you recall Christians mentioning something about scriptures that warn of “ the mark of the beast “? This is a supposed mark on the skin having to do with end times, and the devils final takeover? The mantra warning was “ don’t take the mark or you’re doomed. Don’t get an RFID Microchip planted under your skin or else…

From what I remember, many people thought the idea was ludicrous. Oh, that’s just a kooky conspiracy story some said. RFID Microchips? Mark of the beast? The end of the world? Say what? There goes the fanatic Christians having meltdowns trying to scare the living daylights out of the populous. But lo’ and behold.. Somethings a’ brewing. Whether or not the world is ending is not my point. Apparently, people have been predicting end time dates for eons. The doomsdayer’s have cried wolf way too many times. But…

What is an RFID Microchip? RFID Microchips for human beings and animals are device circuits in silicate glass implanted in the body of humans, and animals for identification purposes. Pets are being RFID Microchipped upon adoption when requested.

I know because I just went with a friend to adopt a pet from an animal shelter. One of the free perks was to get the kitten RFID Microchipped. My friend declined! Anyway, the RFID Microchip has a unique "number" to identify the "chipped". The number coincides and can link then connect with hospital records, law enforcement, and other data bases for swift identification. So, you get grafted into other computer bases that can give info about you at lightning speed. If you or your pet get lost, you can easily be found. The chip is inserted under the skin. An incision has to be made in ones skin to slip the chip in. So, just think of a splinter. Instead of taking a splinter out, you’re getting a splinter put right under your skin. Great...

Nevertheless, and truth be told, RFID Microchipping is here for us, and our animals.

I don't know what the future will be like with these microchips implanted inside all of us. I'm sure there are plenty of sci-fi movies that talk about this idea in their reality. And, I just had a horrifying thought in the middle of writing this:

When you go adopt a pet you will now get asked if you want the pet microchipped, but what if eventually, after you give birth, the doctor asks if you would like your baby microchipped? That's unsettling, and at some point if this keeps becoming more normal, you'll have no choice but to do it. The doctors probably won't even ask you.

I'm all for not getting lost (because lord knows I am horrible with directions), and even keeping track of all my information also sounds useful. But, what if... What if the chips are used to monitor our movements so some secret  government officials know our every step at all times? Or, let's say you say or do the wrong thing and piss off this shadow government and they decide to wipe all your information. Now, you're nobody. Believe me, it will be a lot easier to do this when the info is digital. Ctrl, Alt, Delete. Just three buttons to erase your entire history from the world. Think about that...

See you all tomorrow (I'll know from the microchips already implanted in all of us).



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