What Happened with the Star Wars Prequels?

What's up everybody? I hope the day is going well for you. I have a question for you all? Do you like Star Wars? I do, and I think most people do too. But, I think that we can all agree that there was something funky going on with Episodes 1 - 3.

Sloppy writing, over-usage of CGI, and poor acting mixed together to create a steaming bowl of bad movies. I have seen countless hours of reviews, behind the scenes clips, and videos re-writing each movie. There's extensive research by people explaining why these movies are trash.

One question I got recently, from my brother Trace, was, "If they're so bad, how did they even get made?" Which is a fair question. How could something so bad get green-lit? Well, I have some theories that I think answer that question.

  1. George Lucas put all his chips on the table back in the 70's to make Star Wars. It was revolutionary, but also super weird. He was still a young director, so of course the producers were on his ass everyday to get rid of all the weird shit he had written. Luke Skywalker was originally supposed to be a cyborg, and that's not even the weirdest thing. So, he changed them, and forever was known as a genius. So, when he decided to write the prequels he wrote a bunch of weird stuff in the script, but since he was known as such a genius, nobody wanted to question his vision for fear of being looked down on by a "genius." He got his way, and now we all suffer for it.
  2. There is a famous clip of George Lucas exiting a room with a stack of papers in his hand. The room he enters is full of producers and other writers. He slams the stack of papers on the table and announces, "Well, the first draft is complete." He's so proud of himself, and a subtitle appears at the bottom of the screen reading: One month before shooting. That kind of thing is unimaginable to me. How in the hell did no one question him about the FIRST DRAFT of the movie a month before shooting? That kind of stuff is unforgivable. This is another reason that goes with nobody questioning this buffoon. The money for the movie was already spent on production costs, so even if people wanted to make edits, there was no time. It's as if Lucas was aware of this, and that's why he waited to finish the script. So he could get his way.
Long-rant short: George Lucas created an iconic sci-fi story, and knowing that people thought he was a genius used it as a way to do whatever he wanted. Too bad whatever he wanted was garbage story-telling that nobody asked for. 

But, I'm already pretty late in today's entry, so I'll leave it at that. I'll see you all tomorrow. Buh-bye.


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